Saturday, April 12, 2008

April 12th Update: CotS

this isn't our biggest concern now (i mean working on Chronicles of the Spartans) because we're working more on Chronicles of Heresy but i'll leave a few tidbits about CotS that we've discussed on putting into the series

Spartan II's
we put in spartan ii's for one episode, it's going to be our first major fight, i won't tell you what map, but needless to say it has legendary proportions and will be featured as an episode of both CoH and CotS

Why there are Episodes...
with them appearing in both series. The two series are parralel to each other, we felt it would be easier to make two series, instead of having one series that switches off between the two points of view, cause big battle scenes would suck

Spartan III's
we needed some people that weren't the common spartans, and luckily EVA armor exists, so we got the perfect main spartans

they are just there to die, cause the main characters can't


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Whoops :P

As you may have seen....
our comments button was turned off.
but it's fixed.
go about worshiping us as you will.


comments are beneath this click the "0 comments" button to comment

Official Kerbstom Update

April 10th Update: Kerbstomp


And welcome to H90's first blog update *YAY*. High fives all around. Anyways I Just wanna say hello and that we've got some perddy good things coming your way.

Music Video

Well so far we're making some great progress on the music video. Took a few days to get our singer dude to actually focus, but we finally did it. We're having issues though because we can only get about a minute's worth of film every meeting, and thanks to school, homework, sexy mama's, and other things, we can only do about one meeting a week... Hopefully soon we can fix that and get about two to three meetings a week and get out some videos. Enough about that, the music video will more then likely be completed by next week, and hopefully by that time we can get us a laptop for our capturing.


Well so far we've got our typical six kids, and we'll try and get some character bios out there, but that all depends on how much we love you :). The only announced character that I will reveal at this time is my character PUDN. Sexy little **** isn't he? Next week I might reveal one more, but once again it all depends on how much i love you.
We have all the characters planned out and ready to go so the only thing that is holding us back is that damn lap top. Once we get all our crap together i'll just go out and reveal the entire Kerbstom cast. I can tell you're just dying of anticipation.
In Conclusion
I want to say thanks for taking your time to read this nearly pointless post and that I'll be your poster for the next few months to come.

Update: 4/10/08

Music Video Vidoc
Our music video is coming along very nicely. H90 did some new scenes and it's looking really cool. We still have one section where we have no idea what to do. Not much else today because we didn't work. We did Monday instead. And we'll be putting pics up for the comedy and maybe the music video soon on our Myspace. I'll get the url for that later. (like later tonight to saturday)

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music
That's right. Garbenwood is making its very own music. We have a basic theme and are getting more and more songs written everyday. We'll have the songs for download when they come up. They are mostly for the drama series, but maybe some features in future music videos.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April 3rd Update: Kerbstomp

Update from April 3rd

Music Video
The first project of ours to get used to camera angles and actings together. The film will be featuring our good friend Rice Cake. We will be doing the song "Start Wearing Purple" by Gogol Bordelo. We have a good story set up along the lyrics of the song. The following are the list of stars in the video: Judas, 7ruth, Rice Cake, Kristal, Pudding/H90, Johnny. We will have the video up by the summer. Because the laptop broke and we can't capture any footage.


April 7th Update: CoH

Post from Monday April 7th

Update Information
We are taking a Bungie approach to this new blog thing and we will be releasing updates on our Chornicles of Heresy series for the drama every monday, Chronicles of the Spartans will be every Saturday, and our Comedy, Kerbstomp, will get updates every Thursday.

As you can probably tell, I just released the titles of all series, both the dramas and the comedy. Those are finalized names but they are just the names for the STORIES as a whole, multiple series will be featured in each.

Seeing as this is a Chronicles of Heresy update, we should probably talk about that. This first series we are making is called Forerunner. We won't reveal too much on the story yet because we made the mistake of giving out two vital parts of information and someone stole the ideas (thankfully we talked to him and he changed his story). So, don't expect story plot to be revealed, it's top secret. Super, super top secret. We don't even know.

90% of the characters have been created and their histories have been decided. We have our main Elite character that will be like a father to the rest of his Elites because of things he had done to help them. I believe we have 9 Elites that are part of this "family", with two that come at the beginning to help them out. That's all I'm going to say now but as more unfolds, we'll get you the information.


New Blog Adress

New Adress
We changed our blog adress because we got our own email. We were using 7ruth's email adress but he decided to change it over to the company email. We will repost everything that was posted on the last adress.

Mini Update
We finally got a new part for our music video. It took two hours to get about 20 seconds worth of film. Just because 7ruth and Johnny couldn't get their parts right.

H90 will be getting a new laptop soon, so we will be able to film but we won't get as much done because 7ruth and H90 are getting jobs. :D

Nevertheless we will get actual videos up soon. And we might change the name of our comedy. Details to come out tomorrow.
