Friday, June 20, 2008

H90's not-so-often update

CoH Trailer Ftl...

Well, the video for the trailer is finished. All we need is the audio, and to put it onto the video. But unfortuneately we couldn't get the audio so its basically a silent boring video. And iTunes is extremely lame and we can't get it off of my ipod. So we're going to get it off of 7ruth's computer ASAP. Until then I will be working a little more on the trailer to make it better. Don't blame me for this mishap.


Hasn't workin in a while. Sad Day I know. Well hopefully sometime this weekend I will get their asses in gear and we can get an episode or two done. But don't get your hopes too high. Well I haven't revealed any one in a while, so to make up for lost time I'll release them all.

JOHNNY: He is our cute silent little fellow. He wont have much dialogue but his actions will speak for him. Don't mess with this mofo. If you took the govenor of California, gave him more steroids, gave him all the super powers that hollywood can give him, and a clondike bar, he still probably wouldn't stand a chance against Johnny. Put it simply, he's a BAMF.

Judas: Judas is the funny casual smart fellow who loves crackin jokes. He lives with his best friend forever R.C and these two will provide much fun to the comedy. He also is head over heels for his girlfriend Kristal, and owns a skull of the dude that last checked her out.

Kristal: There really isnt too much to say about Kristal. She is the odd one out due to the fact she is the only female on the cast so far. She probably likes her bf judas as much as he likes her. She doesn't have a skull of the last lady who checked her man out, but she does know how to kick some booty.

Frankie: The pimp. He knows more about superheros, ninjas, samuri's, and such more then anyone else alive. And for some reason, he gets all the ladies. He's such a nerd its attractive. If thats Legal no one's told me.

Other Projects:
Well my side project is going to need work still, and I also realized that I'm going to need many many helping hands. But by Fall the script should be done and I can get out some videos. JOHHNY and I have also been talking about a possible suspense/horror type series, about 5 episodes long, but it should be good. That too should be done by fall.
Anyways this has been a very good catch up with you kids. Talk to you all later :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Prepare for the Trailer

Get Ready....
So we haven't posted in about forever cause everyone left on vacations.
But while we were away we have cooked up a beautiful batch of buttery goodness for you.
Prepare for everything

Here It Comes.....
The trailer for Chronicles of Heresy will be available by June 19th, 2008. For your viewing pleasure. If it isn't..... blame H90. Cause we need to work tomorrow and the next day. And the next. Cause we haven't worked in FOREVER!!!!!

Other News
Kerbstomp I haven't heard anything from. I'll get H90 to do that later this week. And Chronicles of the Spartans script hasn't even been started yet. And the hidden mini series that is within Chronicles of Heresy's storline is being decided on. More revalations on that later in the year. And our Living Hell video that H90 likes to talk about is a work in progress.
