Sunday, June 15, 2008

Prepare for the Trailer

Get Ready....
So we haven't posted in about forever cause everyone left on vacations.
But while we were away we have cooked up a beautiful batch of buttery goodness for you.
Prepare for everything

Here It Comes.....
The trailer for Chronicles of Heresy will be available by June 19th, 2008. For your viewing pleasure. If it isn't..... blame H90. Cause we need to work tomorrow and the next day. And the next. Cause we haven't worked in FOREVER!!!!!

Other News
Kerbstomp I haven't heard anything from. I'll get H90 to do that later this week. And Chronicles of the Spartans script hasn't even been started yet. And the hidden mini series that is within Chronicles of Heresy's storline is being decided on. More revalations on that later in the year. And our Living Hell video that H90 likes to talk about is a work in progress.


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