Thursday, April 24, 2008

April 24 Update: Kerbstomp

Bite the Kerb

Latest updates:
As you can see, Our forgotten hero, Truth has left us. Sad face :( But as he suggested it is probably for the best. With our busy scheduals, he needed time to work full time on CoH, and CotS. And he might make an appearance later, so dont lose any sleep over it. THERE IS HOPE!!1!!1!1

Todays Progress:
Well today me and the gang disussed story, characters, settings, and many, many, many other things. We decided that we are going to park our music video idea in the garage of greatness, until the dawn of a new day allows us finish it. Basically, with summer coming up, and my lap top as well, we need to get some actual footage of the series. So we'll be working on that. We got about 20% of the sets done today, and will probably finish on Sunday, then from there its up to me to get the lap top. Over all, even with the tragic loss of a commerade, we will live on.

What is this Blasphemy?
I'm going to follow the foot steps of one of my heroes and start a series all by my self. I Hope it'll do well. I believe it to have a somewhat unique tone to it, so it might actually have some success. The only thing I will reveal about it, is that It'll be a bit chilling.

This is Spartan H90,
[Insert catch phrase here]

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 22nd Update: Long Goodbyes

Chronicles of Heresy/
Kerbstomp Update


After much thinking and other stuff, 7ruth (me) has officially left Kerbstomp. I may make a future appearance but I am no longer going to be in any productions that involve the comedy. Here is a picture of the Forgotten Hero.
Chornicles of Heresy
Hasn't had much work done. Kerbstomp is taking up so much time. A big reason that I (7ruth) left. I will be working full time on the drama. H90 has some more ideas for a new series we might create involing a.... well, I'll let him tell you when he thinks it will work. Chornicles of Heresy will be getting filming done by Friday.