Monday, May 19, 2008

New post, New Computer

Hello World!

Oh hey there fans. No, the title is not misleading you. We officially have our lap top. So ya pretty much in the next few weeks, we will be giving you our producted creations of epic artistic magnitude. If that made sense, then I'm happy. Anyways I thought I'd Just post this with Truth, who at the moment is reading a Gears of war stradegy guide. hehe what a n00b. anyways, another post will be coming out this thursday from me. Oh, and I'm not sure if any of you know this, but I am makin my own seperate series by my self. And ya, I'll probably post updates on mondays. I've got most of the script down, but I wont update till I have it all down. Till then, see you on the flip side dawgs.


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