Monday, July 7, 2008

7/7/08 Update: 7he 7ruth

Trailer is Uploading

The finalized, amazingness Chronicles of Heresy: The Loyalists trailer is being released!!! :D

This is for all our hard work that we can finally put it together. Look for it. And prepare for another little surprise we have coming up by the beginning of August.

Bungie Day

As many of you know, today is Bungie Day. A day we show our love to a company that has let us be beautiful with our minds for many years. We celebrated by having a Halo 3 tournament (which myself and H90 won of course) and had a blast. We then proceeded to do big team skirmishes and just making fools of ourselves. We played a lot of Cold Storage because it was released for free on that day also.

The Trailer
here it is

The Trailer

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