Sunday, November 16, 2008

Announcements... Again

Auf Wiedersehen (Kinda)

Unfortunately the work I've been doing here has been complete fail so I've decided to put away all of my projects until I'm ready to take them on again. Working alone is hard as hell so I'm abandoning everything till I move back to my hometown. So that said, I'm working on two new projects that I know I can do solo.

Current Projects

Project One

I'm currently working on a music video that will test out my ideas I have for action sequences. I have about 4 seconds of footage Ftw so ya, at this rate it might take a while. I'm guessing if i work at it I can get it done within the next few weeks. I'll uncail my work when its done, so stop by often.

Project Two

My second project is a Machinima placed on Halo 3's matchmaking. It's going to be based on dates and times, and It's going to start off on the release of Halo 3 then work its way up. I have yet to write the script, but school works been a bitch so I dont get much free time. After the Test video I'm going to start on this series.

Thanks For Stopping by


Monday, September 22, 2008

9/22/08:It's Bigger


My and H90 have finally settled on about 3 series that are a) do able [very small casts] b)even more awesome c)they are set in our own universe with our own history and plots

Series 1: Xenocide

Already revealed by H90 as it is his baby. He's really excited about this one and he'll be revealing more about it in his fabled adventures in California.

Series 2: Not Named Currently

But it takes place in the same universe like we said earlier (all of these series are in that universe). And this one sounds pretty amazing. It's story is told like this really good book me and H90 read last year but we can't remember.

(Here's a sneak peek):

Series 3: Choices

This one is my series, and it's based off of actual events. But the ending is different (still haven't found that ending in real life) and it's set in an entirely new world with aliens and advanced technology thrown in. So I guess it is no entirely based on actual events.


All three of these series will be awesome, promise. And we're currently writing the script, so when H90 gets back from his move. We'll be ready. Expect some minor stuff from H90 till then. But be on the lookout for the Premiere's of these series sometime in June 2009.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Big Announcement

Here it is!

I'm Relocating to another state for about six months. So unfortunately 7ruth and I will not be working together physically to get our stuff done. Good news is though, that we're still going to work hard and get stuff to you. we just wont be doin it together.

One more thing

If I can find time in the next few weeks, and when i get internet connection in my new home, I'll release my first test run into machinima. Won't have anything to do with my main story, just for entertainment. Hope you enjoy.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Patriots day

Oh Man. Look Whos Back

It's about time right? Well I'm back with updates so be prepared.


Well I'd like to apologize for a few things before we get started.
1) Sorry for not updating anything for a while
2) Sorry for not doing anything really for a while

I was going to do a video Blog to update today,
but it was taking forever to do, and really it wasn't worth the effort. Its just a helluva lot easier to do it this way. so Sorry for not doing that

Big Announcement
So to make up for the no updates and no anything, I'd like to announce my next series. YAY.
Its called Xenocide. It'll hopefully be a first person thriller type machinima, and it'll mainly be all first person. I'm writing the rough draft for the series now, and can probably be done with it by either december, or in early 2009. I know, I know. DigitalPh33r just came out with a first person scary series, but I'm not stealing his idea. I've been wanting to do this for a while. He jsut beat me to the punch. So don't give me any crap about stealing his ideas, cuz I didn't. Back off son gimme room.

Suprises aren't too fun anymore
And yes. I Had no clue 7ruth was planning on doing what he was doing. His announcement shook the world. Later that night a sat in a fetus position and hugged a pillow crying over the loss of our drama series. But that is ok. Because we will be working on something else. Possibly even better then the CoH. But still check out the trailer. Cuz ya its cool. :)

Back to the Comedy. I have an announcement of my own. See, we're having a lot of issues. And Really, its turning more into a burden then anything. We had all summer to work, and we didn't. Mainly my fault but still. The moral of the useless story is that I've lost interest in it really. Not Much Progress in it. So unless people can show me their willing to work, and get me motivated to do it, it'll continue. But for now it seems to be stumpted.
For today, that is all. I have a pretty big deal still to reveal, one that not even 7ruth knows yet. But I'm going to wait till next week to unvail it.
Until next week,

Monday, September 8, 2008

9/8/08 Update: The Big News

I haven't even told H90 yet...
so i'm quitting on the drama series.
after looking through all the pre-prod notes and episode 1
it can't be done with a two, or even a three man crew.
the number of characters in each scene is too much
so i'm putting it off for now, and will be working on a different series i though of
(it involves way less characters, and it's an idea i like way more than the elite one)
but i'll still be writing inconsistently for the CoH:TL

thanks for your time

yours truly,

Monday, September 1, 2008

9/1/08: Finished after Forever

Not That
No, the video isn't finished... yet. But it will be soon.
But the pre-production is complete after months of putting it off.
Call it slacking hard core. (or procrastinating)
But it's done, and I might let H90 do some of his famous character introductions. MAYBE!!!

Super Sexy Music
A good frind of mine (and H90's) came back from far off lands. And in his first day back to school he got some really big favors done for him. And he's offered to let us use this favors as long as he gets a piece of the pie. (It was awesome pie, long story) So we're going to keep it all shush shush right now because it might pull through. And then we'll be super awesome l33t sauce.


Friday, August 22, 2008

8-22-08: Retrival

Time: 8-23-08 11:00 am GMT
Place: Spartan H90's House
*confirmed arrival of 2nd in command: 7ruth
* confirmed beginning of voice commands
* confirmed beginning of added characters (package deal #111)
* confirmed release date of magic

Package deal #111
Access Number: *******

----Access granted----


Command: *access Characters

Terminal: Error! Error!
All systems reboot
Begin system recovery
52% recovered
1$t: T$3l
M?^2l= Eli#7

No other items could be recovered

Terminal: Try again?

Command: *Shut down


Monday, August 11, 2008


This isn't going as planned....
So, we haven't updated in a while. Which sucks. A lot.
But that's not why we're here. I'm here to say we don't have a lot of time. Me and H90 are starting school in less than a week. And with me doing cross country... It doesn't look like we will get episode 1 out exactly as planned. Unless we devote a whole Saturday to doing it all.

This is going as planned....
H90 has just come up with ideas for a whole new series which he believes will change the ideas of machinima forever. Basing the camera work off a wonderful movie that came out and was pretty much one of the best movies created in our time. I can't give away too much. But it's awesome.


Friday, July 18, 2008

7/18/08: 7he Awesomeness

7he Movie
First off....
Me and H90, along with some others, went and saw The Dark Knight. And it was awesome. The Joker was the best villian ever and Batman complimented him in extreme ways.
H90 got a vision of some sort and locked himself inside his own brain because of the Joker. I think he was inspired with a machinima of some sort by the mutterings he kept on muttering.

7he Bet
H90 was also weird and bet his GF that he wouldn't play Halo for a week. He did really good. (But he did start a game up, so I don't know if that counts) But needless to say we barely got anything done. We're going to do lots on Monday though. So expect nice things then.

7he Script
For episode 1 Act 1, 3, and 4 is finished. After rereading Act 2 I decided it needed some clean up. So I'm doing that over. I'll probably have H90 do some character reveals when we get closer to release. Cause he likes doing that. But these characters are really BA. Episode 2 has been started but I can't figure out how to start the first major battle between Humans and Elites. Don't give me ideas though.


Monday, July 7, 2008

7/7/08 Update: 7he 7ruth

Trailer is Uploading

The finalized, amazingness Chronicles of Heresy: The Loyalists trailer is being released!!! :D

This is for all our hard work that we can finally put it together. Look for it. And prepare for another little surprise we have coming up by the beginning of August.

Bungie Day

As many of you know, today is Bungie Day. A day we show our love to a company that has let us be beautiful with our minds for many years. We celebrated by having a Halo 3 tournament (which myself and H90 won of course) and had a blast. We then proceeded to do big team skirmishes and just making fools of ourselves. We played a lot of Cold Storage because it was released for free on that day also.

The Trailer
here it is

The Trailer

Friday, June 20, 2008

H90's not-so-often update

CoH Trailer Ftl...

Well, the video for the trailer is finished. All we need is the audio, and to put it onto the video. But unfortuneately we couldn't get the audio so its basically a silent boring video. And iTunes is extremely lame and we can't get it off of my ipod. So we're going to get it off of 7ruth's computer ASAP. Until then I will be working a little more on the trailer to make it better. Don't blame me for this mishap.


Hasn't workin in a while. Sad Day I know. Well hopefully sometime this weekend I will get their asses in gear and we can get an episode or two done. But don't get your hopes too high. Well I haven't revealed any one in a while, so to make up for lost time I'll release them all.

JOHNNY: He is our cute silent little fellow. He wont have much dialogue but his actions will speak for him. Don't mess with this mofo. If you took the govenor of California, gave him more steroids, gave him all the super powers that hollywood can give him, and a clondike bar, he still probably wouldn't stand a chance against Johnny. Put it simply, he's a BAMF.

Judas: Judas is the funny casual smart fellow who loves crackin jokes. He lives with his best friend forever R.C and these two will provide much fun to the comedy. He also is head over heels for his girlfriend Kristal, and owns a skull of the dude that last checked her out.

Kristal: There really isnt too much to say about Kristal. She is the odd one out due to the fact she is the only female on the cast so far. She probably likes her bf judas as much as he likes her. She doesn't have a skull of the last lady who checked her man out, but she does know how to kick some booty.

Frankie: The pimp. He knows more about superheros, ninjas, samuri's, and such more then anyone else alive. And for some reason, he gets all the ladies. He's such a nerd its attractive. If thats Legal no one's told me.

Other Projects:
Well my side project is going to need work still, and I also realized that I'm going to need many many helping hands. But by Fall the script should be done and I can get out some videos. JOHHNY and I have also been talking about a possible suspense/horror type series, about 5 episodes long, but it should be good. That too should be done by fall.
Anyways this has been a very good catch up with you kids. Talk to you all later :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Prepare for the Trailer

Get Ready....
So we haven't posted in about forever cause everyone left on vacations.
But while we were away we have cooked up a beautiful batch of buttery goodness for you.
Prepare for everything

Here It Comes.....
The trailer for Chronicles of Heresy will be available by June 19th, 2008. For your viewing pleasure. If it isn't..... blame H90. Cause we need to work tomorrow and the next day. And the next. Cause we haven't worked in FOREVER!!!!!

Other News
Kerbstomp I haven't heard anything from. I'll get H90 to do that later this week. And Chronicles of the Spartans script hasn't even been started yet. And the hidden mini series that is within Chronicles of Heresy's storline is being decided on. More revalations on that later in the year. And our Living Hell video that H90 likes to talk about is a work in progress.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Start the Movies

no fancy titles today, i'm not in the mood
we're starting our first project today and it's a living hell
it'll be started soon like today it will
it's a brand new idea so it should turn out well

H90 and 7ruth also had the brialliant idea to make a list of 100 things to do before you die, and some of them relate to this, so be nice to us


Monday, May 19, 2008

New post, New Computer

Hello World!

Oh hey there fans. No, the title is not misleading you. We officially have our lap top. So ya pretty much in the next few weeks, we will be giving you our producted creations of epic artistic magnitude. If that made sense, then I'm happy. Anyways I thought I'd Just post this with Truth, who at the moment is reading a Gears of war stradegy guide. hehe what a n00b. anyways, another post will be coming out this thursday from me. Oh, and I'm not sure if any of you know this, but I am makin my own seperate series by my self. And ya, I'll probably post updates on mondays. I've got most of the script down, but I wont update till I have it all down. Till then, see you on the flip side dawgs.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15th Update: Kerbstomp

Long Time no Talk huh?

Well seeing as how its been 3 weeks since I last updated this thing with news, I thought it'd be a good idea to do that. Over the past 3 weeks we have actually found a new Puppetteer. I will not reveal their name, their body looks, colors, or any of that silly nonsense, only because its not 100% fosho yet. We've got him a home, a body, all we're really missing is a name.

The Sets and Plot
We've got about 33% of the sets done, But with finals, women, and other fun details we're slacking a little bit. RC even had a little run in with the Po-leece so he couldnt make it to a meeting. Nothing too serious mind you, it was only the cops had a wrong number and had him come in. Anyways, The plot is pretty much set, it'll be mainly an improv, but the rough outline is pretty much set. We're trying to mock an envirnment that everyone loves/loved, or plan on love/loving it. We'll keep you posted. :)

"Will you ever get off your fat butt and get your lap topl H90"
Yes actually. 7ruth and I will be going shopping tomorrow hopefully to get our lap top, from there we'll probably start off our productions. Happy day :)

This weeks motto:
"Dear, you are the Cholestoral to my Heart attack <3"


Friday, May 2, 2008

Holy Snip Snap, Badely Whap

very informal
just saying we're not dead
just no time
working hard
school sucks
H90 getting job
computer is being got
we're filming scenes
it's all good


Thursday, April 24, 2008

April 24 Update: Kerbstomp

Bite the Kerb

Latest updates:
As you can see, Our forgotten hero, Truth has left us. Sad face :( But as he suggested it is probably for the best. With our busy scheduals, he needed time to work full time on CoH, and CotS. And he might make an appearance later, so dont lose any sleep over it. THERE IS HOPE!!1!!1!1

Todays Progress:
Well today me and the gang disussed story, characters, settings, and many, many, many other things. We decided that we are going to park our music video idea in the garage of greatness, until the dawn of a new day allows us finish it. Basically, with summer coming up, and my lap top as well, we need to get some actual footage of the series. So we'll be working on that. We got about 20% of the sets done today, and will probably finish on Sunday, then from there its up to me to get the lap top. Over all, even with the tragic loss of a commerade, we will live on.

What is this Blasphemy?
I'm going to follow the foot steps of one of my heroes and start a series all by my self. I Hope it'll do well. I believe it to have a somewhat unique tone to it, so it might actually have some success. The only thing I will reveal about it, is that It'll be a bit chilling.

This is Spartan H90,
[Insert catch phrase here]

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 22nd Update: Long Goodbyes

Chronicles of Heresy/
Kerbstomp Update


After much thinking and other stuff, 7ruth (me) has officially left Kerbstomp. I may make a future appearance but I am no longer going to be in any productions that involve the comedy. Here is a picture of the Forgotten Hero.
Chornicles of Heresy
Hasn't had much work done. Kerbstomp is taking up so much time. A big reason that I (7ruth) left. I will be working full time on the drama. H90 has some more ideas for a new series we might create involing a.... well, I'll let him tell you when he thinks it will work. Chornicles of Heresy will be getting filming done by Friday.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

All Script and No Computer

April 19th Update: Chronicles of Heresy
No computer....
Not much is getting done anywhere as you can tell. We don't have a new computer yet. H90 is trying to get his parents to buy him one, but we'll probably all have to get jobs and sell everything we own to get one.

Scriptwork of a King
The script is entering its final phases:
Basic Story: Complete
Map Outline: Complete
Timeline: Complete
Characters: All but 2 or 3
Maps: We have one map :D
Script: Finished in my head, I should probably write it.

Character Update
The beginning "enemy" is a really BA, we explain his armor really well and it fits in with the Halo storyline almost perfectly. He also really beats up some people in the machinima but we can't tell you who, because you don't know them yet. He'll be featured in our upcoming trailer which hopefully will get up before summer, but don't expect it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

All Work and no Play

April 17th Update: Kerbstomp

The comedians drama:

This week was a very stressfull week, and after many long nights of thinking, I realized that we weren't taking this very serioulsy, so I almost had to ask one of our stars to leave. Fortunately, I talked to him and he decided to stick with it. So with out a further ado, here is our almost forgotten star: R.C.
He is our lead singer in our music video and is our "Caboose" so to speak. I hope that once the videos start rollin' you'll enjoy his fun out going attitude
The Music Video:
Still hasnt gotten anywhere form last week. We didn't work today you see, so the production on this could will be slow. But the good news is, is that I think I found a way to speed up the work, and make it easier, but for music videos only.
Todays work:
As you just read, we didn't work today, so we will be working this sunday. Fortunately, it's a longer work day so we might get something done. Today I single handedly re-arranged our work space so there are minimal distractions. So yes, u can haz moosic vidideohs.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

April 12th Update: CotS

this isn't our biggest concern now (i mean working on Chronicles of the Spartans) because we're working more on Chronicles of Heresy but i'll leave a few tidbits about CotS that we've discussed on putting into the series

Spartan II's
we put in spartan ii's for one episode, it's going to be our first major fight, i won't tell you what map, but needless to say it has legendary proportions and will be featured as an episode of both CoH and CotS

Why there are Episodes...
with them appearing in both series. The two series are parralel to each other, we felt it would be easier to make two series, instead of having one series that switches off between the two points of view, cause big battle scenes would suck

Spartan III's
we needed some people that weren't the common spartans, and luckily EVA armor exists, so we got the perfect main spartans

they are just there to die, cause the main characters can't


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Whoops :P

As you may have seen....
our comments button was turned off.
but it's fixed.
go about worshiping us as you will.


comments are beneath this click the "0 comments" button to comment

Official Kerbstom Update

April 10th Update: Kerbstomp


And welcome to H90's first blog update *YAY*. High fives all around. Anyways I Just wanna say hello and that we've got some perddy good things coming your way.

Music Video

Well so far we're making some great progress on the music video. Took a few days to get our singer dude to actually focus, but we finally did it. We're having issues though because we can only get about a minute's worth of film every meeting, and thanks to school, homework, sexy mama's, and other things, we can only do about one meeting a week... Hopefully soon we can fix that and get about two to three meetings a week and get out some videos. Enough about that, the music video will more then likely be completed by next week, and hopefully by that time we can get us a laptop for our capturing.


Well so far we've got our typical six kids, and we'll try and get some character bios out there, but that all depends on how much we love you :). The only announced character that I will reveal at this time is my character PUDN. Sexy little **** isn't he? Next week I might reveal one more, but once again it all depends on how much i love you.
We have all the characters planned out and ready to go so the only thing that is holding us back is that damn lap top. Once we get all our crap together i'll just go out and reveal the entire Kerbstom cast. I can tell you're just dying of anticipation.
In Conclusion
I want to say thanks for taking your time to read this nearly pointless post and that I'll be your poster for the next few months to come.

Update: 4/10/08

Music Video Vidoc
Our music video is coming along very nicely. H90 did some new scenes and it's looking really cool. We still have one section where we have no idea what to do. Not much else today because we didn't work. We did Monday instead. And we'll be putting pics up for the comedy and maybe the music video soon on our Myspace. I'll get the url for that later. (like later tonight to saturday)

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music
That's right. Garbenwood is making its very own music. We have a basic theme and are getting more and more songs written everyday. We'll have the songs for download when they come up. They are mostly for the drama series, but maybe some features in future music videos.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April 3rd Update: Kerbstomp

Update from April 3rd

Music Video
The first project of ours to get used to camera angles and actings together. The film will be featuring our good friend Rice Cake. We will be doing the song "Start Wearing Purple" by Gogol Bordelo. We have a good story set up along the lyrics of the song. The following are the list of stars in the video: Judas, 7ruth, Rice Cake, Kristal, Pudding/H90, Johnny. We will have the video up by the summer. Because the laptop broke and we can't capture any footage.


April 7th Update: CoH

Post from Monday April 7th

Update Information
We are taking a Bungie approach to this new blog thing and we will be releasing updates on our Chornicles of Heresy series for the drama every monday, Chronicles of the Spartans will be every Saturday, and our Comedy, Kerbstomp, will get updates every Thursday.

As you can probably tell, I just released the titles of all series, both the dramas and the comedy. Those are finalized names but they are just the names for the STORIES as a whole, multiple series will be featured in each.

Seeing as this is a Chronicles of Heresy update, we should probably talk about that. This first series we are making is called Forerunner. We won't reveal too much on the story yet because we made the mistake of giving out two vital parts of information and someone stole the ideas (thankfully we talked to him and he changed his story). So, don't expect story plot to be revealed, it's top secret. Super, super top secret. We don't even know.

90% of the characters have been created and their histories have been decided. We have our main Elite character that will be like a father to the rest of his Elites because of things he had done to help them. I believe we have 9 Elites that are part of this "family", with two that come at the beginning to help them out. That's all I'm going to say now but as more unfolds, we'll get you the information.


New Blog Adress

New Adress
We changed our blog adress because we got our own email. We were using 7ruth's email adress but he decided to change it over to the company email. We will repost everything that was posted on the last adress.

Mini Update
We finally got a new part for our music video. It took two hours to get about 20 seconds worth of film. Just because 7ruth and Johnny couldn't get their parts right.

H90 will be getting a new laptop soon, so we will be able to film but we won't get as much done because 7ruth and H90 are getting jobs. :D

Nevertheless we will get actual videos up soon. And we might change the name of our comedy. Details to come out tomorrow.
